Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Holy Future

What a blurring future we have! Do you have a clear thought on what you going to choose to study and what is the occupation that you dream? A lot of people will say no, but a few will say yes. The ‘yes’ people, they have a matured mind that they can make clear on what they like and what they dislike, but, are you sure?

Are you sure that you will like the road you have chosen until you reached the point of success? Yes, no? Yes or no? Wow, you will become insane because of this. Ok, someone said that, you should ask. Maybe, asking other people is a nice act that can provide you some brutal idea, but sometimes, it ruins your thinking. For example, if you really knew what you like, but after hearing some comments from friends and family, you can be worry and started to change your mind. That time you will blame them for the bad comments.

We always heard teacher said,
“You must know what you like.”
“Please set your target for what you want to be.”
“Study should make short notes.”
“You must make mind map.”
“Pay attention in the class.”

What? Anyone done this? I should tell, NO. How can be? This world is not constant. The Earth is spinning. Everything will change. So, when you say, you want to be a bicycle mechanic and after you graduated, you want to work. But that time, people are using the electrical Scooters. Then, you want to suicide? Therefore, future is not stated, you must continue with what is demanding.

The easiest way for the people to escape from the undefined question “What you going to study?” is, “Wait my examination result announced first.” The word “wait”, kill you. If you still don’t know what to study, please smaller the scope, such as, list down what you think, you can do it. Then, you can simply smaller the scope of college or school you going to be by getting the information, cost and condition of the lovely school, whether is worth or else, it will waste your money. So that when you get your result, you have an idea on what you going to study.

In this century, people are talking about money. You have money, you can be anything, but if you are lacking of money, you have to work hard, but work hard didn’t means that you will get what you want. Just depends on your luck. The “paper” as known as certificate, judges everything. With that, people understood your attitude, your behavior, your knowledge and your class.

Anyway, these are only dream. What we need is, chance and luck. If you have luck to own a brain that can solve a super genius Math question, you can win noble prize and begin to earn money by the brain. People said, success is depends on hard work, but if you no luck no chance, how your hard work being appreciated?

Sure, you can be a MPKT. This world is fair enough, among rich, class, love, appearance, job, friends, happiness, relaxation, respect, attitude, health, intelligent, luck, and sweet home, you only can get some of these. No one can master all, because this is Earth. Ok, if everyone is clever, for sure one of them is cleverer, and for sure there are MPKT, there is Indah Water, there are cement carrier.

Everyone has the genius brain, but it not developed well due to the environment and affection, that’s luck. No one want to be stupid right? If we can control our development of brain, then this fact does not exist. So, what is it? LUCK.

Haha, but you are sleeping in the house, and you waiting for the LUCK, then, you are idiot. You should, work hard to find your luck and chance.

As a conclusion,


1 comment:

Jiajun said...

it is not only affected by environment... most importantly, is they not yet found their own strength and hence enhance it...

chance usually appear to those who work hard... you might also need to create your own chances...

wait kills... really...

money is not everything, but without money you are nothing...
